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What is breadcrumb navigation?

Definition: Breadcrumb Navigation is a form of site navigation that shows visitors where they are on a site's hierarchy of pages without having to examine a URL structure. Ecommerce stores with a large number of categories can simplify the user experience by displaying breadcrumbs.

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Breadcrumbs simplify site navigation by making it easy for users to move between categories, products, and informational pages. Large websites with sub-categories can make users unsure of how to get back to their initial entry point; breadcrumbs solve for this by clearly communicating where a visitor within an ecommerce store.

Breadcrumb navigation has SEO benefits

**Improved click-through:**Google has been adding breadcrumb navigation to mobile search results in place of a full URL for websites who provide the correct markup. Breadcrumbs are easier to decipher at quick glance, which explains why Google prefers them in SERPs.

Site Mapping: Breadcrumbs also ensure that search engines understand a site's structure and find all pages that should be crawled.

Adding breadcrumb navigation to an online store

Many website platforms require breadcrumbs to be manually coded in, which can be time consuming. Bigcommerce stores have breadcrumbs as a built-in option, making it easy to toggle on or off.

Learn more about how to configure breadcrumbs on a Bigcommerce store: Product Page Breadcrumbs

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