About the App

Sell more with trust

92% of consumers have concerns when shopping at unfamiliar websites. Address the concerns that cost you sales and increase conversions at every stage of the buyer's journey with TrustedSite Certification.

How it works

TrustedSite offers a suite of certifications that help to alleviate the most common concerns that people have when they shop online. Earn these certifications to display TrustedSite trustmarks throughout your site and show visitors that they can trust your business.

Once you've installed the TrustedSite app, we'll check your site for security issues and verify key contact information so we know your site is secure and your business is legitimate. Once you've passed our security scan and verified your contact information, you'll earn your first two certifications: Certified Secure and Verified Business.

With the TrustedSite free plan, you can then begin displaying the TrustedSite floating trustmark for up to 500 visits per month at no charge.

When your visitors click on the trustmark, we'll show them an on-site modal (available in 31 different languages). The modal displays a list of the certifications that you've earned and explains how you earned them—helping your visitors to continue shopping with confidence.

Get Certification Pro

Upgrade to increase your visit limit and get access to even more trust-building features.


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Last Updated:

October 18, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


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Upfront Fee:


Recurring Fee:


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Partner Tier:




Last Updated:

October 18, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


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App Features

Start building trust for free.

Earn the Certified Secure and Verified Business certifications and display the floating trustmark for up to 500 visits per month at no cost.

Show visitors that you consistently deliver outstanding service.

Use the Issue-Free Orders trustmark to display the percent of orders fulfilled without a hitch, and use the testimonials trustmark to display stories from satisfied customers.

Protect your customers with $100,000 Shopper Identity Protection.

Display TrustedSite Identity Protection trustmark to show customers that if they experience identity theft within 90 days of a purchase, they may be eligible to receive up to $100,000.

Get more sales. Guaranteed.

A/B testing has shown that TrustedSite outperforms other badges in the marketplace and generates a significant increase in sales for ecommerce sites.

  • Lensdirect.com: 4% increase over McAfee SECURE certification

  • carcovers.com: 3.2% increase over Norton Shopping Guarantee

  • lensabl.com: 2.46% increase

  • holabirdsports.com: 16% increase

  • mountainhouse.com: 26.9% increase

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee with all of our paid plans. If you don't see an increase in conversions, we'll give you an app credit.

Get Certification Pro

Upgrade to increase your visit limit and get access to all of our certifications and trustmarks to increase sales:

  • Issue-Free Orders: Show your business consistently delivers outstanding service with customer testimonials.

  • Shopper Identity Protection: Protect customers for 90 days after their purchases with $100,000 identity theft protection.

  • Trusted Reviews: Display the great reviews you've collected with ResellerRatings or Trustpilot.

  • Data Protection: Show visitors that your login and checkout pages are secure.

  • Spam-Free: Collect more emails by showing you don't spam.

Case Studies

The Shoe Mart boosted trust and increased conversions by 14% with TrustedSite

The Shoe Mart wanted to reduce cart abandonment without using product discounts or detracting from the user experience. They set up an A/B test that replaced their previous trust badges with mobile-optimized TrustedSite trustmarks to increase visitor trust and incentivize purchasing behavior. At the end of a 7 week experiment, not only did they find that TrustedSite increased the overall conversion rate by 14%, but they also saw increased conversions among mobile device users and first-time site visitors.

Read their story

Customer Reviews

4.52 out of 5 stars with 48 reviews

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